Friday, June 14, 2024

Shakespeare Reference in Republic

Obviously, there are no Shakespeare references in the actual text of Republic, as Plato lived hundreds of years before William Shakespeare. But the copy I read does mention Shakespeare in the introduction. Actually, it is in the note on the translation which comes just after the introduction. Elizabeth Watson Sharffenberger writes, “To enhance its appeal to an audience familiar with English-language classics, Jowett embellished his version of Republic with language evocative of famous literary works dating from the Renaissance on, and readers of this edition should not be surprised if Socrates and his companions occasionally sound as if they were quoting from Shakespeare or the King James version of the Bible” (p. liii).

Republic is thought to have been written between 380 and 350 B.C.E. Benjamin Jowett’s translation was first published in 1871. My copy, with an introduction and notes by Elizabeth Watson Scharffenberger, was published in 2004 by Barnes & Noble Classics.

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