Friday, May 17, 2024

Shakespeare References in At Fenway

No matter the subject, it seems nearly every book I read contains Shakespeare references. Dan Shaughnessy's At Fenway: Dispatches From Red Sox Nation contains two. Shaughnessy here quotes an earlier story he wrote: "Sox fans know better. They have seen this play before. The cast changes and new liberties are taken with an ancient script, but Hamlet always dies in the end" (p. 97). There is a similar idea expressed a few pages later, but this time it is King Lear, not Hamlet, that is used: "After the '86 Series, the Globe's Michael Blowen wrote, 'Like the generations of actors who played Lear - Barrymore, Olivier, Welles - the cast may change but the play's the same. It's the Red Sox. The Red Sox transcend the individuals who wear the uniforms, the various managers who direct the different casts each year, and even the game itself'" (p. 105).

At Fenway: Dispatches From Red Sox Nation was published in 1996.

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